Traditionally, StrikeIron has provided Web services that utilize SOAP headers for authentication with a UserID and Password. This is a preferred approach in many scenarios where it is beneficial to separate security from the data payload and is also helpful in creating re-usable classes for developers.
However, lately we have received increasing customer demand for enabling parameter-based authentication as many third-party products do not support the use of SOAP headers, especially many IDEs that generate client code to consume Web services. And of course with some development environments, it's just easier.
In response we enabled authentication via actual data parameters as well as SOAP headers. This can simplify accessing StrikeIron Web services for those who prefer this mechanism.
For example, with our sales tax rates Web service, here is the traditional WSDL using SOAP Headers for authentication:
and here is the WSDL utilizing parameters for authentication: The only difference is the domain URL prefix.
The same is true with our free Super Data Pack services. Simply change the WSDL URL prefix from 'sdpws' to 'sdpwsparam', and you're off and running - no more SOAP headers. For more on these authentication methods, visit
As always, we will do our best to meet the requests of our customers and partners. Please keep them coming!
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